Dang women in human civilization in the was defined for "decorative of, and auxiliary of" role of that paragraph days in, women of power does in by questioned, they no capacity work, no capacity feed himself, only sent hope Yu father or future of husband, they can do of is put himself dress have more charming, put House Pack have more has style, to show male of success. They like a sword hanging on, very bright, but is nothing more than proof, this is a good sword. Zhang Qinghui elected Chairman of the eighth Council
However, civilization is moving forward, after a lengthy "Canary" life, women's role in society along with the 20th century came to me, a major overhaul. The two world wars, due to the lack of material, a lack of manpower, women participate actively in the work on the one hand, and let your dress, a new vision, cumbersome skirts, lace fades, simple and neat trousers began to enter a woman's wardrobe, trench-style coat, suit, suspenders are beginning to gain widespread. When women began to find that simple dress good, this history is destined to move forward. Zhang Qinghui elected Chairman of the eighth Council